Latin modern roman font microsoft word
Latin modern roman font microsoft word

latin modern roman font microsoft word

I offer two options for you (Option 2 is best if you aren't going to compile anymore):ĭownload OpenOffice for free and download writer2latex, also free. Put your tables and figures at the bottom or top of a page.Indent the first line of each paragraph (although I personally don't like that).A wider left margin also might make it more LaTeX-like.(BTW: The key to using styles in Word is to assign shortcut-keys for the most-used ones) These could be the styles from the template mentioned, or your own defined styles. Practically, this translates to using paragraph and character styles rigorously. Most Word documents have the tendency to be a collection of slightly-different layouted text blocks because there is nothing that forces the user to do otherwise. I think that, apart from the typesetting, the consistent output produced by LaTeX is one of the things that make it look like LaTeX. Make your document look as consistent as possible.Other academic publishers (like Elsevier) also have similar Word templates (use Google to find them). The author section of the IEEE website also provides a 2-column Word template for their papers, resembling quite a lot the LaTeX one.

latin modern roman font microsoft word

  • Use the LaTeX Template for Word mentioned by Caramdir (make sure to install the 3 mentioned fonts).
  • latin modern roman font microsoft word

    Besides all the ' it isn't possible' advice, what I would advice is:

    Latin modern roman font microsoft word